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Kindergarten parents:
In the event that it is sprinkling/raining before your child begins school, please do not have your child line up on the playground.  Please walk your child to the front of the kindergarten classrooms (Growing Room parking lot).  The teachers will have their classroom doors open so your child can enter.
Thank you,
The Kindergarten Team


All those wanting to be a Volunteer and/or Driver and/or Overnight Chaperone must apply to do so online, via Be A Mentor’s website. It is of the utmost importance to have our parents/family members begin the application process immediately. This is a one-time application process. Once you are cleared, you will not have to apply again during the remainder of your student(s) school years at SRVUSD.
Please submit your Volunteer clearance application ASAP in order to be considered as a chaperone for field trips and classroom volunteers.
Be A Mentor application process


Coming soon...
K0 : 
K1 : 


We believe that tardies will be significantly reduced by planning on arriving to school well before the bell rings.  Whether you are dropping your child off or he/she is walking to school, please help us in addressing this problem by having your student arrive on time.  If your child is not inside the kindergarten gates and in line, by 8:00AM for the AM SLIP or 9:00 for the PM SLIP, they will be considered late.  All gates to the kindergarten play yard will also be closed. If you arrive late, you will need to walk your child to the front office to receive a tardy slip.  Please do not try to enter through the child’s classroom door as it will disrupt classroom learning.  Students will not be admitted into class without a tardy slip. 
As we are concerned about your child’s safety, if you know you are tardy please do not send your child to the play yard unattended as the gates will be locked and there will be no playground supervision once class has started.  Children that arrive late will be kept in the front office for a few minutes and walked back to class by a staff member as our gates to the play yard will be closed.
Please make every effort to have your child at school on time.  Arriving on time supports our classroom learning and eliminates classroom disruption.  We appreciate your help with this matter.
The Kindergarten Team


traffic cop
Parking is PROHIBITED on Albion Way. The San Ramon Police Department will be enforcing and ticketing any vehicle parked on Albion Way. Signs are posted and it is a danger to our children when cars are parked in the bike lane.
Please follow all posted traffic signs around the campus. Police will ticket for illegal left/right turns around the school during the posted hours. 
DO NOT park across the street and walk towards Hidden Hills without a crosswalk. This is considered jaywalking, is not safe and SRPD will ticket for this as well.


  • Homework  will be posted in the KINDER LOCKER (below) as well as sent home in the daily folderYou will be responsible for printing lost logs and calendars.
  • Homework is intended to be done for 30 minutes a night on Monday - Thursday as per our district homework policy. Each night will consist of 20 minutes of reading, including a reading log, reading response sheet, and 10 minutes of  Dreambox Math. There is also an optional Monthly Calendar of Activities.  
  • Reading Log: Your child will receive a Weekly Reading Log to record daily 20 minutes of reading. The 20 minutes of reading can be a mix of Parent to Child, and Child to Parent. Use any books from home as well as little books that have been read in class and sent home. Please keep all little book that are sent home and include them as part of your daily reading. Repetition is a good thing and GREAT for improving reading skills. Please use the RazKids Reading Website as your child's On Level independent reading.
  • Reading Response Sheet: On the back of the weekly reading log there will be a reading response sheet for the child to complete. This reading response must be written/drawn/colored by the child.
  • Dreambox is a wonderful online game that adjusts up or down in difficulty based on your child's achievement. The more they play, the better the match in skill level will be. Please have your child play this game online for 10 minutes a day.
  • Optional Monthly Calendar of Activities. The optional monthly calendar of activities are intended to reinforce skills learned at school. Feel free to complete the activities in any order. You may also modify or extend any activity based on your child's individual needs. Turn in the calendar on the last day of the month. It will not be returned.
  • Turn the Reading Log in on Friday each week. It will not be returned.
  • HW will not be returned and late homework will not be accepted.


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